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12/24/06 - Merry Christmas (To all who celebrate Christmas.)*
     As you can see from below, I was somewhat accurate in my Pre-election predictions. 
          1. Gasoline prices have started "creeping" back up.  In my area they started up almost immediately after the election.
          2. Donald Rumsfield quit (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your political leanings AFTER the elections.)
          3. The President suddenly acknowledges that we may not be winning the war in Iraq, and maybe we should consider some new direction in Iraq.

     *I cannot understand why some people think using the term "Happy Holidays" is taking the "Christ" out of Christmas.  No rational thinking person would expect a Christian church to not wish its parishioners, or other Christians, a Merry Christmas.  I would expect a rabbi to wish the members of the congregation a Happy Chanukah, and I would expect all other religions and religious holidays to be treated the same way through the year.

     When a company or organization wants to embrace the whole population by using “Happy Holidays” rather than a religious-specific term, I think they may understand the true meaning of the term “melting pot” used to describe the U.S.A.  Even the person who has no religious beliefs, most likely will be celebrating the New Year, so “Happy Holidays” also applies to that person.

     My father and grandparents came from Europe.  I was born in Brooklyn, NY and raised and educated in Connecticut.  I was, and am, an American.  My father became an American citizen, and he too was an American.

     However for those who have a problem with “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”, I want to wish you all a “Happy (insert your choice of wording)”.

Are we not seeing?

     Can anyone explain why gasoline prices have fallen (as much as 30% in this area in just a couple of weeks) when nothing that has happened around the world suggests a reason for the drop.
          1. OPEC has said they would be maintaining their current production levels (no drop from this).
          2. Disruption of flow of oil (maybe 15-25%) from Alaska because of poorly maintained pipeline. (This would normally cause a rise in prices).
          3. There has been no sudden drastic drop in our consumption rate of gasoline.
Another Thought
     I wouldn't be surprised to see the following if the situation doesn't improve for the Republicans before November.
     Donald Rumsfeld resigning, or being asked to take on some other position.
     More reversal of positions from the White House before the election, but will they stick after the elections?

     Could the reason be that the political party in power in Washington is suddenly in trouble with respect to the November election?
     To suggest that the White House controls the price of gasoline is naive.  However if you consider that the companies that DO CONTROL those prices might find it in their best business interest to lower the price, at least through November, to remove one of the negatives facing the Republicans in November.
     If you have been keeping up with the lesser news, you will have seen an article stating that home heating oil would probably still be high this winter (which most of us won't notice until after November - election time).
     Wall Street has defended the high gasoline prices by saying market forces dictate the prices and no one can control that.  Interestingly, in another of the lesser news articles that I have come across, Goldman-Sachs says they helped cause the drop in gasoline prices by the way they changed the way they rated certain aspects of the petroleum market.  The above two statements cannot both be true because if Goldman-Sachs caused the drop, then the prices are not totally market driven.

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©2006 J. Carter